I thought I would share with the world that I have been recently named TIME Magazine's person of the year. Quite an accomplishment for a farm boy from Hammon, Oklahoma... :-)
click on the cover to see a larger image
Infrequent Thoughts of a Septuagenarian Residing in the Heart of Oklahoma
Did you check out my churches new web site? I ask because I got a hit from Enid and you are the only person I know in Enid.
I asked Bruce about returning to bl.com and he said it would need to be the decision of the moderators. Would you mind going to the gang and seeking this request for me?
Jon L. Estes
I am truly enjoying your wonderful website. I remember my Cheyenne schoolmates and me swimming after school and on weekends in the Washita. They lived just across the river from me. We shared many great times together.
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